Leading to Empower (vs having it your way)

For all a leader’s good intentions, when the rubber hits the pavement, it often becomes a different story. Many leaders believe they empower their people, but when you ask their people it may not be the case. Part of the reason a person becomes a leader is because they have ideas and opinions about things…

Three Qualities that make the Magic

Several weeks ago I had the honor of leading a group of mature and self-aware women in a week long retreat in the French Pyrenees. Most of these women didn’t know each other but had committed a sizable sum of money, effort and time to be there. My job as facilitator was something I took…

Shine Report Vol 12

Thoughts vs Words: How different are they really? As a person of authority, your word usually carries more weight than others, correct? It also goes to say that your thoughts carry more weight too. There is no denying that we are in a very divisive time and that there are people you will be working…

Shine Report Vol 11

Gracious Humility~ is it possible? Trying to stay in a place of integrity and strong leadership isn’t always easy, especially when we aren’t seeing it modeled for us on a larger scale. No matter, it is our job, yours, if you are reading this, to find ways (self-motivation and self-regulation) to stay in your personal…

Shine Report~ Defending invites Attack

After the last Shine Report, I received quite a few responses pointing to defensiveness as a pretty common and mighty reaction to any intended or unintended challenge to our person (or integrity). I watched it as well in unfolding drama with my clients and family (AND self) the past few weeks. It happens so quickly,…