Advantage Services

Companies Profit when People Flourish

Living Your Best Self Women’s Retreat

Five days of rejuvenation, adventure and stepping up to the best version of yourself…more.

Relationship-Building Communication Skills Programs

Two-hour to two-day programs for your groups geared to develop and enhance communication skills at the core of any thriving organization. more…

Discovery and Inquiry Day

Examining processes, positions, people, the facility and communication to determine why a company, office or facility is not flourishing and productive. more…

Personal Leadership Training

Transform, lead and inspire a company or team with practical tools and enhance your innate talents for effective, profitable results. more…

Company Leadership Off-site Event/Retreat

A valuable tool for fusing a team together and stepping it up, demonstrating the company’s commitment to their leadership. Face time with the people leading a company together creates immeasurable good-will and bonding. ~ Led by our lead trainer, Julie Hutslar. More…


Our trained, certified mediator brings the skills necessary to bridge the communication and generation gap, offer shifting perspectives and encourage creative resolutions to disputes and unmitigated differences. Reduces legal escalation with accompanying costs and publicity. more… 

Management Unification Day

Creating shared vision, resources and team attitude to build a stronger, more profitable organization considering differing cultures, regions and loyalties (specific to blended organizations through mergers or acquisitions). more…

Teaching for Tenure: Employee Retention Training Program

Create a more respected, consistent and empowering leadership team for a productive, flourishing company with satisfied, tenured employees and operational excellence. more…

Navigating the Murky Waters of Virtual Communication

One-hour to four hour interactive virtual programs geared to learn specific guidelines for professional and effective communication virtually for your groups. more…


Programs created for your specific needs whether educational, non-profit, certification courses or classes on increasing desirability in the workplace.

Speaking Engagements

We speak at civic, educational and business events