The Number One Quality desired in Leaders

What would your guess be? What do you think that quality might be? To be organized, vision-oriented, profit motivated, generous with bonuses? Maybe authoritative, consistent, bold, good listener? According to a recent study, 68% of people surveyed said the quality they most desired to see in their leaders, which was predominantly missing, was the ability…

Are you a responsible gardener?

Working with companies who are challenged, I often see people in key positions express leadership in different ways. One of the most impressive and effective ways is when the leader takes responsibility for the running of the place, no matter what came before or who did what. Think of any organization as a garden and…

A Kaleidoscope of Perspectives is Required

Everyone sees the world through their own perspectives, ever notice that? For example, two people sit together looking at the same sun on snow capped mountains in the distance. One person is wearing pink glasses and the other green. The one wearing pink glasses may see the mountains with a beautiful alpine glow and feel…