At this stage in your journey, no doubt you have happened upon or chosen what it is about you that makes you unique, what it is that makes you feel the best about yourself and/or how you want to show up in the world. Could you give that a name or a title? It helps when you forget who you are. Like the thesis of a report, you want everything in that report to directly support or relate to that thesis. This is how you can return to or stay in personal mastery.
Let’s say your story has a title like this: Empowering Confidence. Then throughout your day as you overhear gossip or watch the news or get frustrated with your co-workers (or self) you can return to this and ask, is this response I am having empowering confidence in anyone, me or anyone? No? Then shift that response, ease back into the lead role of that Empowering Confidence position. Suddenly, you feel so much more masterful, not because you know everything, but because you are in your bullseye. You are doing what you are meant to do.
What if your role is Catalyst for Change? It’s the same deal. Are you offering input or wisdom to precipitate much needed change or are you allowing turmoil to take the power out of your change engine? Would that title and the memory of it help you to get up and raise your hand? Ask the questions that no one wants to hear? Provide the fuel to propel your purpose onward?
Everyone comes with a purpose, whether you know it or not, and they change throughout your life, based on your life experiences, wisdom, lessons, and propensities. Find yours and give it a title, at least for now, and allow it to steer your ship. It leads to personal mastery and that, my friend, is what we need more of in a time of questionable leaders.
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. -Lao Tzu