Everyone sees the world through their own perspectives, ever notice that? For example, two people sit together looking at the same sun on snow capped mountains in the distance. One person is wearing pink glasses and the other green.
The one wearing pink glasses may see the mountains with a beautiful alpine glow and feel they are distant, unattainable, insurmountable yet beautiful.
The one wearing the green glasses sees the mountains as spring having sprung. Inviting, warm, beckoning to come climb, scale their lofty towers and wants to take off for the adventure.
As they discuss the mountains together, they soon find they are not in agreement at all. Pink cautions Green of the danger and extreme conditions whereas Green shames Pink for being such a fearful party pooper.
Who is right? Is there a right? Both think they are correct, don’t they? You may have even taken sides just now.
The truth is~ we are creating the way we see and experience our world based on~ not glasses, but beliefs. The experiences we have had and the influences we fall under all help shape and mold our personal set of beliefs, unbeknownst to us consciously.
So when you are working with a group of any kind, a business team, a company, a civic club or family, if you want to get a fairly good representation of the overall sense of the place and dynamic, you are going to need a kaleidoscope of perspectives. And a leader ought to be able to navigate through all the lenses to see the white snow on the mountains and know some will fear it and some will be drawn to it, and make the best decisions for the greater good, while honoring that every person really does believe what they believe and it is true for them.